
One web platform.

Countless modules and features
to make your every day life easier.


Advanced solution of collection management with an intuitive design that includes software, hardware and external integration modules, in order to answer to the client´s needs.

Simplified routines

Convert the whole collection process into something more automatized, eliminating any manual processes or repetitive administrative tasks.

Centralised information

With the use of our software, all data extracted from collections stays centralized in one platform. This way, there is no information loss and the aggregated data can be used, at any moment, for analysis.


Waste management platform developed for the integration of teams of all sizes and management of container and vehicle parks.

360Waste Platform

Use 360Waste for management optimization
of the various modules in the waste sector.

  • Point-to-point collection;
  • Domestic door-to-door collection;
  • Business and services door-to-door collection;
  • Guarantee of collection with the RFID system and identification of containers with TAGs;
  • Circuit optimization, having in acount pre- established criteria and filing statistics;
  • Analysis of the performed collections and comparison between the planned and performed circuit.
  • Control and monitoring of the whole container park, from its stock to production;
  • Georeferencing and unique identification of containers;
  • Search for container through its ID, location, associated client, coordinates or filling level;
  • Record of maintenances and container scrappings;
  • Indication of the filling level.
  • Management of big teams;
  • Personal login assigned to each employee;
  • Work calendar in terms of collections, washes or incidences.
  • Management of the whole vehicle park;
  • Viewing of vehicles in real time;
  • Vehicle checklist;
  • Management of vehicles according to is availability for operation;
  • Record of the performed circuit.
  • Guarantee of container washing with the RFID system in the vehicle;
  • Management of washing circuits.
  • Digitalization of the mechanical and manual sweeping operations;
  • Viewing of the cleaned areas on the map;
  • Management of other modules, such as cutting of herbs and application of plant protection products.
  • Indication of incidences during the circuit, either through the tablet or push-button box;
  • Customizable options;
  • Creation of incidence resolution circuits.

Operational productivity indicators

Obtain real time insights of the operation

The 360Waste analytics module is a fundamental tool that allows companies to thoroughly "analyze" each and every aspect of the collection operation, that way enabling strategic decision-making

based on real data. This analytical tool not only evaluates possible improvements, as it also can verifies the efficiency of the system in all stages of the collection activities.


Intelligent system integration

Inserting a whole new system in the work routine can be a quite complex process, as it is not only exhausting, but also expensive. However, that shoudn't be an obstacle when acquiring a new operational system.

For this same reason, our solution simplifies the work process and can be integrated with systems you are already using on a daily basis, such as SIG, ESRI, shapefiles, etc.


Let's transform the way you manage waste?

With the 360Waste system, we transform challenges into opportunities. Share with us all your needs and prepare yourself for an innovative partnership.

Contact us
(+351) 272 326 424

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